First15 and Mediclabel

First15 is a young company of three men whose mission is to make everyone a helper. First15 uses Mediclabel to comply with medical device legislation.
Tell me, who are you?
We are First15, a young company of three men whose mission is to make everyone a helper.
During our careers as operators in the special forces of defense and police, we have gained a lot of experience with necessary assistance during stressful situations.
We know the power of acting quickly and adequately. This knowledge and expertise is contained in our First15 Personal Aid Kit.
First15 Personal Aid Kit
“What we have noticed over the years is that during a serious accident where life-saving actions are needed for a victim to survive or to avoid more serious injury, the will to help is there, but a few elements can often act as a barrier:
- Uncertainty and unfamiliarity
- Cluttered first aid kit with many more items than necessary in a life-threatening situation (especially under stress)
- No first aid training
This is of course disadvantageous for the victim, and also for the bystanders who may subsequently suffer from feelings of powerlessness and guilt.
To overcome this problem, we at First15 have developed a trauma package that helps people go and help.”
Trauma package
“Naturally, companies employ an emergency response officer, but they also benefit from a package that has the following characteristics:
- Simple – the package contains only what you really need in the first minutes after a serious accident, making it good to use even under stress.
- Icon manual – with clear explanations, the user can see at a glance how to use the package.
- Handy – The package is small and attractively designed, easy to carry in cargo pocket, car seat back pocket, backpack side pocket, handbag, etc.
- Quality – all content is provided by Dutch manufacturers and is of high quality. Preparation by means of a QR code – buyers of the package are invited to scan the QR code in advance, after which they can access the instruction card. They then already see what to do in the event of an accident (compare it with the safety demonstration in the aircraft). As a result, people are better prepared on the road.”
Collaboration with Mediclabel
“Our product is a class I medical device. Registration has become more complex due to the new legislation. We therefore benefit from a good partner for creating and registering the GS1 barcodes. We are very pleased with the collaboration with the Mediclabel team. We were well served from the first contact. The team has a lot of knowledge and thinks along well. In addition, they respond quickly and adequately to questions. At First15, that is very important to us. In short, we are very happy with this collaboration.”