EDI with Exact Online for Holie

Valentijn van Santvoort and Merick Schoute
Holie | B Corp
“We are very satisfied with T2S & OrderChief. They did an excellent job setting up and implementing our EDI.”

Holie believes that healthy living should be easy and joyful. So in 2018 they set out on a mission to drive positive change for breakfast.

How? By challenging the food industry with a bold, better and healthy alternative to cereal.

The world’s healthiest breakfast

Holie believes that healthy living should be easy and joyful. So in 2018 they set out on a mission to drive positive change for breakfast. How? By challenging the food industry with a bold, better and healthy alternative to cereal.


Holie was looking for a partner to set up and implement EDI with the Exact Online ERP system. They wanted to be able to automatically exchange orders and invoices with customers such as AH, Jumbo, Picnic and Crisp.

OrderChief managed the integration with Exact Online, and Type 2 Solutions handled the connections with the retailers and the logistics service provider.

Want to know how?

We follow a five-step plan for the implementation:

Step 1 – Analysis

We determine which EDI messages Holie wants to exchange with which trading partners and with which IT system:

  • EDI messages: ORDERS, DESADV (delivery note), RECADV (receiving advice), INSDES (instruction to despatch), INVRPT (inventory report) and INVOIC (invoice)
  • Trading partners: Retailers such as AH, Jumbo, Picnic and Crisp, and the logistics service provider
  • Business software: Exact Online

Step 2 – Solution

Based on the analysis, we determine the best solution:

  • OrderChief for the connection with Exact Online
  • EDI Platform for the connection with retailers and the logistics service provider

Step 3 – Planning

We know exactly what we are going to achieve and what not, who will do what, and when.

Step 4 – Implementation

We initiate the connection with a client and schedule regular meetings to keep everyone informed about the project’s progress.

The solution undergoes comprehensive testing. After successfully exchanging test messages, we go live.

Step 5 – Go-live

Holie can start working with EDI.

The EDI messages are automatically exchanged between Exact Online, the retailers and the logistics service provider. This saves time and prevents errors.

Holie is ready for the rollout to the retailers. They are present with 15 products throughout the Benelux, are the second largest in the Netherlands, and are making a large-scale healthy impact.

Are you ready for the world’s healthiest breakfast?

“We are very satisfied with T2S & OrderChief. They did an excellent job setting up and implementing our EDI, allowing us to manage our own logistics. They have provided us with a level of integration with our ERP system Exact Online that is unmatched in the market. Additionally, we were particularly pleased with their personal approach and quick problem-solving. Thanks to T2S & OrderChief, we now have a fully automated order and invoicing flow with our customers.”

Valentijn van Santvoort and Merick Schoute, Chief Brand and Chief Business | Holie | B Corp