Type2Solutions manages Benchmarking OK data

Benchmarking OK
Benchmarking OK is a cooperation between operating rooms (ORs) of the eight university hospitals (UMCs) in the Netherlands. The UMCs aim to learn from each other and to improve overall management of the ORs.
Extensive database
Data from the OR management systems of all UMCs is stored in a collective database every 3 months, which currently contains more than one million records!
As of 2019, Type2Solutions manages the Benchmarking OK data.

Focus on optimal use of the ORs
Part of the cooperation is comparing quantitative results with regards to use of the ORs. Indicators of performance (measured each OR day) give insight in the extent to which the ORs are optimally used.
Stories behind the results are exchanged during meetings with all UMCs, which allows all parties to learn from the processes and procedures that lie at the root of the data.
Data management
Data from the different UMCs is sent to Type2Solutions (T2S) which is then validated, and corrected if necessary, before being loaded into the benchmark database. To accomplish this, T2S uses the Data Migration Platform (MPF).
A manual for measuring efficiency was specially written for the Benchmarking OK project to be able to compare productivity and efficiency in the ORs. The UMCs use this manual for correct registration of the data, T2S use it for validating the data and loading it into the database.
The data is accessible for members of the core group of Benchmarking OK. If you have any questions about Benchmarking OK data, you can reach out to us.