Type 2 Solutions GS1 GDSN Healthcare Certified
Type 2 Solutions obtained the official GS1 certification for the T2S GDSN Mapping Service Healthcare.

T2S obtains GS1 certification
Type 2 Solutions obtained the official GS1 certification for the T2S GDSN Mapping Service Healthcare.
Hospitals and healthcare institutions receive data from the GS1 Healthcare data pool (GDSN) via the T2S GDSN Mapping Service. The structure of the service ensures that this information is correct, complete and fit for purpose.
Healthcare institutions can easily process the article data in their EPD or ERP-system and the required data to comply to the Dutch National Implants Registry (LIR) is at their disposal.

Certification GDSN Mapping Service
Type 2 Solutions has proven to GS1 that:
- The GDSN Mapping Service, a hybrid Machine-2-Machine link (M2M), can offer XML messages to the GS1 Healthcare data pool (GDSN) via M2M.
- These messages are processed correctly in the web interface Approval.
- Users can view this data in the GDSN web interface.
- The XML messages are correctly picked up, processed and distributed by the data pool to the relevant receiving party.
- The information from the XML message is processed and displayed correctly.

Ready to assist you
With the European Medical Device Regulation coming into force in May 2020, the GS1 Healthcare certification shows that T2S is ready to help you receive correct product information.
With the GDSN Mapping Service you can quickly and easily get started to meet the legal requirements. Do not wait any longer. Contact us now to discuss how you as a healthcare institution can take action quickly.