Movenience launches new payment processing system TIPS

The TIPS system, a new electronic payment processing system commissioned by Movenience, is in production. The successful migration was a joint effort between Movenience, N.V. Westerscheldetunnel, Technolution, Sogeti and Type 2 Solutions.
TIPS, an acronym for Transaction Information and Processing System, is a handling system for toll, parking and other mobility-related payments.
The new system will provide continued support of Movenience’s well-known on-board unit, also known as the t-tag. The t-tag, a smart and compact device placed on the dashboard, makes it possible to pass through any suitable toll gate of the Westerscheldetunnel, swiftly and without stopping.
The design of TIPS has been a joint effort between Movenience, Technolution and Type 2 Solutions. TIPS itself was developed by Technolution, and Sogeti handled testing and quality control in the project. Type 2 Solutions managed the data migration of existing t-tag users to this new electronic payment system as well as to the new toll levying system of the Westerscheldetunnel.
Movenience is a joint venture of N.V. Westerscheldetunnel, Brisa (a Portuguese toll operator), and NedMobiel, and was established in 2007. Movenience combines comfort with mobility in the infrastructure pricing market.