“FMC BioPolymer chooses One2Label to optimize their supply chain”, a contribution by Laura Fitzpatrick, IT Manager at FMC BioPolymer, has been selected for the presentations program of the Dutch SAP User Group (VNSG) conference 2010.
In her presentation, Ms. Fitzpatrick will describe how and why FMC BioPolymer uses One2Label in more than 10 manufacturing and distribution locations worldwide, how it optimizes their supply chain and helps FMC BioPolymer to keep their competitive edge by fulfilling their customers’ requirements without difficulty.
The FMC BioPolymer installation of One2Label uses an online SAP R/3 (ECC6) connection to access the data necessary for labeling on-the-fly.
The VNSG conference is an annual event organized by the Dutch SAP User Group VNSG. VNSG is the platform for SAP and Business Objects users in the Netherlands. On a world scale, VNSG is one of the largest SAP user associations.
The 2010 conference will be held on April 8th and 9th, in the MECC conference center in Maastricht. The conference is the ultimate knowledge platform for SAP users, and offers countless opportunities for networking, exchanging experiences, and keep up-to-date on the latest SAP advances.