Migration Platform

Migrate and integrate your data

Make your data migration a success

Let your data migration succeed. Use the T2S migration platform to transport data to your new solution. Our proven platform for transporting and validating data.

The Type 2 Solutions framework, with the Migration Platform and the Data Quality Dashboard, is the ideal combination to get a grip on your master data.

The Migration Platform connects to all systems and shortens the duration of your  project.

Let us help you make your migration a success. Read more about the technical features of the data migration and integration platform.

  • Connect to all systems, such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, Mainframe, …
  • Proven platform for retrieving, transporting and testing data
  • Recognize data quality issues early – No unexpected delay
  • Shorten the duration of the complete project

T2S Migration Platform

The T2S Migration Platform is a software platform that can access, transform and validate data from the most diverse IT systems and process it into a format that can be imported into another IT system.

Data migration and data integration

The recipient system can be an existing system, but also a new system that will eventually replace the old one. The first situation is referred to as a data integration (or interfacing), and can be bi-directional, while the second is called data migration (or conversion).

The T2S MPF can link up with external reference sources via SOA standards to perform data quality control and cleansing tasks.

Transforming your corporate data

The recipient system determines the format in which the output of the T2S MPF is expected. While any format can be delivered, the standard output generated by the platform is W3C XML compliant. This kind of output is intelligible to machines, but also to humans.

How does it work?

1. Extract relevant data

Your legacy system carries a lot of data. Some of it is relevant to your new solution, but some of it is not. It takes experience and expertise to know what matters, and how to take the right data from the legacy system. People that know where to look do this quickly, while operations keep going.

The T2S Migration Platform can access data from the most diverse IT systems and process it into a format that can be understood by another IT system.

External reference sources can also be linked to the platform to perform data quality control and cleansing tasks.

2. Transform data to fit the new solution

Your new solution often has a different logic than the legacy system. The new data structure might not be ready to make use of the historical data. It takes the sharp eye of an analyst to see how the data must be transformed to fit the new solution.

The output generated by the T2S MPF can be independently validated before delivery to the recipient system; for that purpose, the platform uses XML schemas (XSD), which are “contracts” defining the requirements that have to be fulfilled by the data in order to be accepted by the recipient system.

All identified errors are displayed in the Data Quality Monitor. Once we have ironed out the flaws in your data, we are ready for the data transport.

3. Load and validate data

The platform acts as a link for a seamless data transport between your old and new solutions. Our approach guarantees accurate, consistent and complete data.

A data migration or integration is an iterative process. This is due to the fact that the data requirements are not easy to determine ahead of time and can be modified repeatedly during the course of a project. To be able to adjust to this continuously changing environment, the T2S MPF uses self-sufficient migration modules that can be called upon from different profiles. Each profile references a unique combination of these modules, which simplifies management tasks and reduces the likelihood of human errors. Furthermore, different versions of the platform output can be generated in parallel, for instance for different releases of the system during the project.

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    Connect and access your data

    The main input for the T2S Migration Platform (MPF) is data from existing IT systems. That data frequently resides in the database of a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), which is why the T2S MPF comes with standard connectivity to the most common RDBMS systems such as Oracle, DB/2, SQL Server, Informix, Sybase, MySQL and PostgreSQL. That being said, any structured file format can be used as input for the T2S MPF.

    Data validation

    External reference sources can also be connected to the T2S MPF for validation and enrichment of data. An example of this is the European VAT API “VIES” with which you can verify the validity of a VAT number.

    Data migration Datamigratie T2S

    Client results

    Read more about how we successfully set up the Type 2 Solutions framework, the Migration Platform and the Data Quality Dashboard, at Eichholtz, the KB, National Library and DELTA Fiber. Click on one of the images to discover the client case.

    Meet our data experts

    The T2S data specialists have extensive experience with data migrations and data integrations in various sectors, such as the financial sector, government, energy & multimedia, construction, healthcare, food and chemical industry. Click on any of the photos to read more about their experience and expertise.

    Let’s talk data business

    Feel free to contact us to discover the possibilities for your company. Please leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

      Frequently asked questions about data migration

      You can do so as soon as the programme manager has formed the project team for the implementation. Hire a project manager who will be responsible for the data migration. The project manager will draw up the data migration plan.

      The data migration plan includes, amongst other things: the data migration strategy, the action plan, a risk inventory, the data migration process, the control framework, the data quality optimalisation process, planning and the necessary resources and tools.

      Drawing up a data migration plan takes 10 working days on average. First, there will be a preliminary investigation of the data migration which looks into the source and target system. You always need to start with the target system. Within the target system, you identify the databases (company objects) that are within the scope of the data migration. An example of a database is clients or relations, contracts and prices.

      The target system determines the form and content of the data migration. To give an example: in the new system, you redefine the ‘business client’ and ‘private client’. In the present system, a business client is a company. In the new system, you call a business client ‘any entity that purchases business products from us’. In that case, you have changed the definition, which impacts the way that you migrate the data.

      Why would you start with a preliminary investigation with a data migration plan as your deliverable? The answer is very simple: because you need to know, as does any organisation, what it will cost, who you need to hire, how long it will take, and what the risks are.

      For the execution of a data migration plan you need to pick an expert. It should be someone who has extensive experience with data migrations and excellent knowledge of data analysis and database platforms.

      Migrating data is a specialism whereby the quality of the data is crucially important. Find the right people and arrange for a (control) framework. Less is more! With the proper tools, one expert can accomplish more and achieve better results than five generalists.